Insurance isn’t just a product, but a relationship. The 2018 Issue II of the Carolina Agent’s Journal highlights that relationship between Joyce Farms and Morrow Insurance Agency, Inc. in an article written by Joe Stewart.

Ron Joyce, CEO, Joyce Farms
Joyce Farms came to Morrow Insurance through CEO Ron Joyce’s fraternity brother, Spencer Clendenin in 2013. Morrow Vice President, Brian Reep began working with the account shortly thereafter. According to Ron Joyce,
“When Brian began working with Joyce Farms, his first step was to visit the company’s operation and learn every single thing he could about how they do what they do. Any business relies on cultivating strong personal connections with customers, but Brian literally took the time to learn how our company operates,” said Ron. He went through every aspect of our operation – pastures, slaughterhouse, warehouse space, every nook and cranny. Armed with his first-hand observations, he was able to identify the right carrier with the right coverage options to meet the risks our business faces.”

Brian Reep
Vice President
Account Executive
Morrow Insurance
Ron goes on to say, “In 2014, following two significant workers’ compensation claims that came in quick succession, Brian suggested Joyce Farms create a Safety Committee, which includes employees from throughout the company. We have developed a workplace culture around safety, and throughout the workday, employees will offer up suggestions for doing something differently or adjusting a workspace in ways that better prevent accidents from happening.”
This is model about how insurance programs and partnerships should work for the benefit of all parties.
Great job Brian!
For the full article see:
Joyce Farms Article