It is with great sorrow that we share the passing of William “Bill” F. Stokes, Jr. on May 23, 2020.
Bill was President of Morrow Insurance from 1980-1994 and Chief Executive Officer from 1994-2000. He purchased the agency from Sam Padgett in 1980, and through his leadership, grew Morrow Insurance to the leading insurance agency in Henderson County.
Bill’s commitment to the community has been extensive and varied and is reflected in his many volunteer activities. He led the fundraising efforts for the Boys and Girls Club of Hendersonville from 1993-1998. He initiated the Hole-In-One contest as a fundraiser for the Henderson County Heart Association. He is past President of the Rotary Club and served on the Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors from 1982-1989 and was President in 1987. He also served on the Board of Directors of the Community Foundation of Henderson County for six years serving as Secretary. Mr. Stokes has served as the President of the Board of Directors of both Blue Ridge Community Health Services, Inc. (BRCHS) and Blue Ridge Community Health Services Foundation. As a tribute to Bills fundraising efforts and leadership, BRCHS dedicated the William F. Stokes, Jr Dental Center in his honor. Bill was also the 1999 recipient of the Richard C. and Vina. L. Sauer Charitable Leadership Award presented by the Community Foundation of Henderson County.
Memorial donations in memory of William Stokes, Jr can be made through Boys and Girls Club/ Four Seasons Hospice.
Bill’s full obituary may be found at Jackson Funeral Service: https://jacksonfuneralservice.com/obituaries/05-23-20-william-finley-bill-stokes-jr/
Our thoughts and prayers go to the Stokes family during this time of loss.